Vibration Analysis SpectraDeC
SpectraDeC can turn your PC into the most powerful tool in your plant.
The SpectraDeC converts your PC to a 4-channel spectrum analyzer, digital oscilloscope, and transient waveform recorder.
IBM PC/MS-DOS Architecture
The SpectraDeC PC takes advantage of the basic design of the SpectraViB and incorporates the A/D cards with IBM-PC and MS-DOS architecture. By simply installing the SpectraDeC A/D cards into an expansion slot of an IBM-PC (or docking station), you have all the 4-channel data acquisition power of the SpectraViB spectrum analyzer/data collector. The SpectraDeC can either be used in a portable capacity and/or with the SpectraNeT Multiplexer System to create an Online Monitoring system. The online monitoring can be performed locally or from a remote location. An unlimited number of points can be monitored and drawn in in groups of up to four, simultaneously.
The Most Advanced Technology
All functions, such as 6400 line spectra, 10 msec FFT's, multi-channel analysis (transfer functions), 16 bit A/D's with sigma delta technology for anti-aliasing, selectable internal/external trigger, etc. are available. All software modules used with the SpectraViB or PC can also operate with the SpectraDeC PC.